A program for people who would like to grow their foundational leadership skills. Sessions take place quarterly!
This live online workshop series takes place over 8 weeks and includes:
Five 2-hour live online workshops
2 Lunch & Learn events:
Leader Best Practices
Get to Know HR
Communication Style Assessment
Individual Leadership Action Plan Coaching Session
Team Website to access resources
Email us for more information or to register! KLTeam@KaneLearning.com
We create experiences that are fun, engaging and challenging that allow people to learn and grow. These solutions are not "sit and get" presentations. Each course listed below can be delivered as a virtual workshop or in person. Each workshop includes participant materials to support application and reinforce learning. Please contact us to schedule a private workshop for your organization.
This course would be beneficial to all those new to management. The session on Coaching and Feedback will be useful not only when completing annual evaluations, but also in daily situations when staff comes to you for guidance. This is an area where I would like to grow and I appreciate the course materials and the opportunity to practice.
During the breakout sessions, it was great to hear others' perspectives in that smaller, intimate gathering where people seemed to all feel more comfortable sharing "the good, the bad, and the ugly," and to learn tips from others in response to what was shared.
I appreciate the time spent in putting this workshop together. I enjoyed hearing from other colleagues from across the company and learning more about their perspectives. It provided us with an opportunity to reflect and apply different lenses to the way we approach our work both individually and as a team.
I really enjoyed the activities that demonstrated the differences between communication styles. They definitely made it easier to see how the information can be applied to the way we communicate with each other as a team and an organization.

Learn how to think and act in ways that will help you bring your “A Game” to all that you do. Work smarter, not harder to enjoy work more and deliver results for your organization.
Are you always at your best at work? In this workshop you'll think holistically about what it means to be at your best while understanding the personal and professional benefits of being at your best. Learn ways to be at your best while considering: healthy choices, self-management and planning.
Topics Covered: EQ, self-management, planning, the impact of self-care on personal effectiveness

Learn how to give and receive feedback and how to coach your teams to grow their capability and problem-solving skills.
Coaching builds skill and feedback provides insights by sharing your observations. Both can be critical development tools. Learn how to give and receive feedback and how to coach your teams to grow their capability and problem-solving skills.
Topics Covered: the impact of mindset on coaching, coaching skills - building trust, asking questions, listening, being specific, using a feedback model, coaching and feedback practice

Explore and practice communication skills that help in any situation.
What are the core communication skills that can help you be more effective in any situation? Everything we do requires communication – with clients, with colleagues, bosses, our families. In this workshop we explore and practice communication skills that help in any situation.
Topics Covered: asking questions, listening, framing, body language

Discover how to flex our styles to best communicate with others.
How can you communicate effectively with everyone in your work world? The reality is that we don’t all communicate in the same way, yet communication is so critical to everything we do. In this session, we’ll learn about Communication Styles and how they help and hinder us, as well as how to flex our styles to best communicate with others.
Topics Covered: communication styles, the benefits and risks of your style, techniques for flexing your style

Learn why good customer service is so important and implement techniques to help boost better customer experiences.
Learn how to create an exceptional customer experience that creates customer loyalty and grows sales. This workshop teaches critical customer service and selling skills that put the customer at the center of all you do, enhancing their experience and delivering results for the organization.
Topics Covered: empathy, 80/20 rule, uncovering needs, connecting services, products and/or knowledge to customer needs, asking for the sale, making recommendations

Build your ability to deliver better results through the Business Insight Cycle.
Learners will grow their business acumen through the Business Insight Cycle which includes reviewing essential information, focusing on key objectives, recognizing the relevant options, selecting the best actions to take, and putting a plan in place.
Topics Covered: Business Insight Cycle, prioritization, data analysis, connecting behaviors and results, SMART Action Plans, measuring effectiveness, course correcting

Learn to work through your fears and confidently have tough conversations applying coaching and feedback skills.
Some conversations are just more challenging than others. What can you do to push through the dread and have a productive conversation? In this session, we’ll apply what we’ve learned about coaching and feedback along with a “fear setting” technique to prepare for and practice tough conversations.
Topics Covered: Coaching, feedback, empathy, "fear setting", responding to challenges in the moment, role play scenarios and real situations

Time Management: Tackle your to-do list with a technique that will help you prioritize, delegate, plan and follow up.
How do you tackle your team’s never ending to-do-list? In this workshop you’ll learn a technique for prioritizing work that will help you determine what to do now, plan for later or delegate to someone else. Additionally, you’ll learn key skills for effective delegation and follow-up that empower your team to take the lead on their part of the work and keep everyone on track.
Topics Covered: prioritization, delegation, project oversight, effective follow-up

Create an environment that supports your employees in being at their best.
When employees are at their best they can contribute in bigger and better ways - problem solving, innovation, creativity, collaboration. Learn how to build trust, engage your team in developing solutions, delegate effectively, support team member development and more.
Topics Covered: employee motivation, building trust, delegation, employee development, team engagement, psychological safety

The key differentiator of long-term success is operating from a growth mindset.
In this experience, learners will explore the difference between fixed and growth mindsets, learn techniques for shifting from a fixed to a growth mindset, and learn strategies to foster growth mindset.
Topics Covered: fixed vs. growth mindsets, the cognitive triangle (the link between thinking, behaviors and results), shifting from one mindset to another

Leading a team taps into different thinking and behaviors than being an amazing individual contributor. As you think about the next step in your career, consider, is leading a team right for me?
Explore the mindsets and skills of individual contributors and team leaders. Identify personal work strengths and preferences. Determine how your personal strengths align with leading a team. Take actions to support your career goals.
Topics Covered: mindsets and skillsets of a people leader, self-assessment, aligning strengths and preferences with career goals, exploring career growth options

Learn 3 specific areas that are proven to be tipping points for effectiveness in our hybrid work world.
How can you make work “work” for everyone in a hybrid work environment? In this workshop, we’ll dig into 3 specific areas that are proven to be tipping points for effectiveness in our hybrid work world.
Topics Covered: purposeful leadership - empathy, creating connection, psychological safety; leading hybrid meetings, intentional planning for work in multiple locations

This course is designed to support teams in building a foundation for the work the organization is doing in diversity, equity and inclusion.
Learners will explore the definitions of diversity, equity and inclusion, completing activities to gain a greater understanding of what each term means and how a culture of equity and inclusion supports achieving business goals. Learners will learn about bias and how our biases may shape our actions and decisions. They will understand the difference between conscious and unconscious bias and learn ways to interrupt their biases, allowing them to more consciously take actions or make decisions that support the team and the organization.
Topics Covered: diversity, equity, inclusion, conscious and unconscious bias, ways to interrupt bias

Organizations are constantly evolving. Learn to champion change, leading yourself and your team through the change to fully realize the possibilities on the other side.
In this workshop we will explore the Change Cycle, learn practical tips for leading a team through change, identify ways to build resilience during times of change while supporting one another.
Topics Covered: change management, communication, problem solving, building resilience, team support

Learn the critical skills needed to lead your team in our dynamic world.
What does effective leadership look like today? The world of work continues to evolve – new industries, changing expectations, a dispersed workforce – how does that change the role of leaders?
Topics Covered: emotional intelligence, empathy, growth mindset, generational differences, psychological safety

Learn how to work through a situation when an employee is not meeting expectations.
What do you do when someone isn't meeting expectations? Learners will become familiar with the process and tools available, learn how to partner with HR, and practice having performance conversations.
Topics Covered: performance improvement process and tools, HR partnership, techniques for difficult conversations

Support the development of your team with the performance management cycle.
Learn how to support your employee's development by understanding their career goals, helping them create development plans, having regular performance conversations, championing them with your peers and conducting a meaningful annual performance review.
Topics Covered: career conversations, development planning, effective one-on-ones, championing your team, conducting performance reviews

Learn to effectively manage labor to create the best customer experience.
Workforce Management is a critical component of providing customers with an exceptional experience and operating an efficient, profitable business. By effectively scheduling associates to meet the customers' needs and managing payroll expenses, business will grow customer loyalty and profitability.
Topics Covered: identifying business trends, associate skills and availabililty, effective scheduling, schedule flexing, payroll costs